Yoga Camps

Shri Ambika Yoga Kutir, Toronto conducts, on an annual basis, a one day Yoga Camp during the summer. Such camps have been held in the past every year from 2009. All sadhaks who have attended the beginners' yoga course are invited to attend.

The agenda for the day consists of a 2-3 hour Yoga practice in the early morning under a blue (hopefully) sky and in the fresh air. The atmosphere is very amenable to an enjoyable, refreshing and revitalizing yoga practice. Shared breakfast (brought by each participant), is followed by various activities including, based on individual preference, cricket, badminton, other games, walks, etc. After a sumptuous lunch a yoga quiz/game or other learning activities are conducted. The camp ends at about 4:00 P.M.

In the past, based on feedback, we can say with confidence that these camps have been hugely successful with all participants having a most enjoyable time.


2006 2009 2010 2011
2012 2013 2014 2016
2017 2018 2019 2022

The ninth annual Ambika Toronto's Yoga Camp was held again, for the fifth consecutive year, at the Richard's Memorial Park in Mississauga. The weather was beautiful, with bright sunshine and comfortable temperatures, and the day was enjoyed by all.

A few pictures (courtesy Ramesh Ticku) from the Ambika Yoga Camp held on August 17th, 2013:

Kapal Bhati - Bellow Breathing
Kapal Bhati - Bellow Breathing
Ujjayi - Breathing with Friction
Ujjayi - Breathing with Friction
Uddiyan - Stomach Exercise
Uddiyan - Stomach Exercise
Halasana - Plough Posture
Halasana - Plough Posture
Kandharasana - Bridge Posture
Kandharasana - Bridge Posture
Shalabhasana - Grasshopper Posture
Shalabhasana - Grasshopper Posture
Shwanasana - Dog Posture
Shwanasana - Dog Posture
Shavasana - Relaxation Posture
Shavasana - Relaxation Posture
Matsyasana - Fish Posture
Matsyasana - Fish Posture
Utkatasana - Chair Posture
Utkatasana - Chair Posture